Monday, December 21, 2009

BAH HUMBUG! wait, no Merry Christmas I'm sorry!

Today I got a parking ticket. Street Cleaning. $60. I'm thinking I hate everything today. I guess it's about time I neglected my "remember what day of the week it is and where you parked your car" braining, considering i've been living here for 3 1/2 months. Yep...I'll just chalk it up to that.

Nope. I'm still mad.

Ok complaining over. Happier thing now. I will see my sister tonight!!! Michelle Pacheco is better than all of you. Gilmore Girls marathon? Duh. Matching pajamas? Absolutely. Junk food galore? Definitely. Love? Yessssss! Time to embark on a week of sleepover parties.


-jace mace

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