Friday, December 18, 2009

PIZZA! eat it.

Alright. Lindsay and I love frozen pizza. You love it too. End of story. AAALLLLSSSSSOOOOO we LOVE pretending we aren't too drunk to watch Post Grad. But you know what we love even more? Denying the fact that we listened to *Nsync all night or even had a notion to try to watch Post Grad. We are better than you most likely so get off your high horse and get into reality. "Go fuck yourself" says Lindsay, and I have to say that if you think we are lame then I disagree. We are having more fun than you are on a Thursday night "and we aren't even doing anything. Like literally nothing" -Lindsay M.

You hate Thursdays and We don't (that's right...capitaized because we are drunk),
jacie rené and lindsay reneé

1 comment:

  1. nothing is capatalized in that last sentence... just so you know

    you guys are freaks
